NewsWho is Moringa Initiative?Read more NewsWhy the world loves moringaRead more NewsWhy tummies love moringaRead more NewsWhat is moringa and what makes it so good for you?Read more NewsMoringa Initiative WINS!Read more NewsFlower Power!Read more moringa_initiative Spotted on a stroll through the moringa crop. Fun Our products are made using the leaves of the Mori Did you know that ALL parts of the Moringa oliefer Who doesn’t love a good ‘before & after’ pic Our bodies are designed to eat from farm to fork. When dealing with a family-owned and managed busin Wondering where to get your hands on our moringa? Why you can trust Moringa Initiative as your chose A short answer to the question we get asked all th It's been 10 years since our family established Mo Moringa is known for its potential to promote heal Let us celebrate Freedom Day, commemorating the lo Eating well and staying active is the best investm Moringa can be given to children, but it is import Did you know that ginger has been used for medicin Moringa: the ultimate superfood for your health an Is Moringa safe to take during pregnancy? While M Did you know that Moringa powder is considered one Health is wealth. If you have health, you have eve Load More… Follow on Instagram